19 May 2014
About me
My name is Tibi, I am a 23 year old student living in Hungary. I study Computer Science at BUTE, currently working on my MSc degree.
I live in Budapest but came here from a little village so I brought along the love of nature and animals. In my spare time I read books or listen to music. I lead a little group of volunteer students (~60 people), who aren’t content with our education and want more knowledge about IT. We operate the network of our dormitory, which consists of more than 1000 Gigabit endpoints. Our server park provides services to the whole faculty and moreover we have teams working on IT security, mobile application- and game development.
I like open source software, so I applied to Google Summer of Code 2014. After a few weeks I was informed that the syslog-ng project accepted my proposal, so I’ll work on it this summer.
I created this blog to inform people about the progress of my GSoC 2014 work. My task is not so exact as the other ones, but I will try to explain: it’s about configuration management. I’d like to make easier the administration of syslog-ng in cloud environments. You can find my proposal at [1]
I’m planning to write posts every week about my progress. If you have any questions, feel free to write comments :)
[[1] GSoC2014 Proposal: Integration with configuration management systems (ihrwein)](https://github.com/balabit/syslog-ng/wiki/GSoC2014-Proposal:-Integration-with-configuration-management-systems-(ihrwein))
Till next time,
Tibor Benke
at 00:00